Posts tagged movie theater
What Not to Do at a Movie Theater—Sincerely, a Former Theater Employee

I applied to Amstar Cinemas the summer after my freshman year of college. I stayed there, working with an amazing group of people at this mind numbingly boring job, until the spring of my junior year. I was recently going through my old files on my computer, and I stumbled upon some stories I wrote as an undergrad about my time as a movie theater employee based on a pet peeve prompt. And let me tell you—that job generated a lot of material. So here is a list of what not do next time you're at a movie theater from your friendly neighborhood former-theater employee.

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Cautionary Tales from a Psycho-Boss Survivor

I've been working in the retail and/or service industry for the past four years while I've been in college, first at a movie theater, then at an independent bookstore. I've had many, many wonderful managers, some of whom I would still call friends; however, there is something about these industries that attracts crazy. In honor of putting in my two weeks' notice at the retail job I've had for the past two years, here are some signs for recognizing a toxic employee-manager relationship.

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