Posts tagged introvert
The Care and Keeping of Introverts

My junior year of college, I studied abroad with one of my best friends. It was one of the best experiences of my life, but also very difficult. Not because of Kayla or homesickness or missing my then-boyfriend—but because I didn't truly understand one of the core aspects of my identity: my introversion. 

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What's your superpower? Five answers to help you learn about yourself and your needs

Do you remember that question you were always asked as a child or during those corny orientations for work or school?

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? 

At first glance, this questions seems to reflect more on what superhero was your childhood favorite or the Marvel-movie craze of the late 21st century than anything constructive about you as a person. However, if you look under the cape and neoprene tights, your answer to this question can reveal important insights about your identity. Kayla (KM) and Kari (KE) Lutes, fellow students, writers, and self-taught personality experts, have graciously joined me this week to explore this super-charged question.

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