Posts tagged bath
Life With a Great Pyrenees During the Summer

Now, I get tons of questions about having Pyrenees because one, giant white fluff balls attract a lot of attention, and two, they require a little extra work, since there's so much extra of them. I've written about what you should know about Pyrs and what life with these babies is like, and you can read those posts here. But in honor of this blisteringly hot June and July weather, I decided to give you a glimpse into specifically what my summers look like with my giant fur babies.

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Travel with Me: A day in Bath, England

The journey from Oxford to Bath is short and enjoyable through the train service that links the two cities. Upon arrival, Mary and I were energized from our free hot breakfast at the hotel. I loved Bath the last time I went, and I could see even more of its appeal in the summer, with the shops bustling and quirky displays of art and street performers out.

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