A Spring Hike in Cheesman Canyon (Sedalia, CO)

I’m back! I’ve finished (and passed) my PhD qualifying exam, so I might actually finish blogging my trips from 2022… by the end of this next year. We’ll pick up where we left off with my visit out to Denver, CO, to see my friend Kari last April. If you missed my post about our hike in Rocky Mountain National Park the previous day, go read that here.

Cheesman Canyon (5.3 mi, out and back)

This was a relatively easy hike that takes you along the canyon edge, then down by the river. There were a few spots where you were on thin trails with loose rock and a drop-off, so be wary if you bring a dog or small children. We saw several fishermen along the river, but the trail wasn’t very busy otherwise.

Spring in Colorado means wildflowers, which is one of my favorite parts about hiking during this time of year. They weren’t in full effect while we were there, but we did find a few.

Most of the hike looked like this. If it were hot, this would have been the perfect place to cool off in the water. As it was, we just enjoyed the peak Colorado scenery from the shore.

I found these two pictures of a pair of ducks and honestly can’t remember why I took them. I think we were just really invested in their love.

We’ll finish off this hiking post with some pictures of Kindi the adventure pup, Kari, and myself. Overall, Cheesman Canyon is a relatively quick, easy hike that shows off the beautiful Colorado landscape and gets you away from the crowds!

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