Posts in Life
Thoughts on: [Getting Married Young]

In honor of Valentine's Day, I decided to pick a topic for today's post based on love. In particular, I wanted to address a question about love that comes up in my own life a lot: How do you know you're ready to be married when you're so young? (Usually preceded by, "You have a fiancé??? How old are you??? And followed by, "But you've got so much of your life ahead of you." [I always like how this comment equates marriage with a premature death. It's particularly encouraging when it is then followed by a congratulations on my engagement.]) So today, I'm going to talk about the ways I knew I had found my future husband at 21 years old and why I feel only joy and excitement at the prospect of marrying him at 24 years old.

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Let's Get Sappy: Ryan's 25th Birthday

This weekend was my fiancé's 25th birthday! Ryan is so old now! (You know I'm joking, but does anyone else feel like they were just 15, or is it only me?) Anyway, because this weekend was made for celebrating Ryan, I have composed a list of some of the things I love most about him—the things that made me certain I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. 

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How to Surprise a Very Suspicious, Intuitive Person: The story of my 22nd birthday

This is my fiancé's favorite story to tell anytime anyone brings up surprises: I ruined our one year anniversary with my nosiness. I'm not the type of person who you get away with surprising. I was a spy in another life and love to snoop. Furthermore, surprises mean I am not in control, and I am a self-confessed control freak. So, when Ryan made the mistake of telling me he was planning a big surprise for our anniversary last year, what did I do? I couldn't be patient and not know what to expect, so I looked at his phone and ruined the whole surprise. (Sorry, babe) In my defense, I did feel really bad about it and told him immediately afterwards. 

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We the Explorers

We liked to test our limits in those early days. We drove plastic four-wheelers through the grass of the backyard, tearing up the hillside as we tested how hard we could push the whining engines. When the wheels spun uselessly on clods of clay, we sunk our fingernails into the ground, collapsing ant colonies and earthworm holes in our search for buried treasure. Once found, we clutched the arrowheads close to our little chests like the precious and exotic artifacts they were. 

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That moment when you hate change and everything in your life changes

I hate change. I am a creature of habit. I like routines. I don't like being thrown off my rhythm. 

They all mean the same thing: people like me don't like their world shifting. We have, or at least have in our minds, homeostasis where we are. We are safe where we are. We won't get hurt where we are. Even if the change is positive, it's unknown, and that is not security.

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To your union! To the revolution! And the hope that it provides!

This is Hannah, my fiancée. You may know her as a modern-day pirate as seen in the photo, or more likely as the author of this site (seeing how it's named after her and all) and you probably read her recent post about our engagement. If not, you should read that first, because it's better than mine and more original. You can read it here.

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Taking the IPIP-NEO Personality Test

This week, I've decided to take a personality test so that you all can learn a little more about me and maybe even about yourselves! (If you would rather learn more about my dogs than me, check out last week's blog post where I took a personality test for them.) 

I've taken Myers-Briggs (INFJ) and Enneagram (Type 1, with Type 5 close behind), but the IPIP-NEO is completely new to me. Let's see how it goes!

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